How to Wash:
Your GroundingWell™ Bedsheet contain silver threads which is naturally antibacterial and odor resistant. This means it will require less washing than regular sheets. However, it is important to keep the sheets clean from sweat and natural skin oils to preserve its conductivity.
• Hand wash recommended, or machine wash on gentle cycle
• Use cold water only
• Airdry only, do not tumble dry
• Wait for one hour after applying lotions or body oils before touching the sheets.
• Do not wash with bleach or fabric softener.
• Avoid using whitening detergents or oxi-detergents.
• Do not use detergents containing oils such as lavender or coconut oil.
• Avoid using dryer sheets.
• Do not apply lotions or body oils on your skin right before bed.
• Do not Iron
Please note that using any of the products listed above could damage the silver threads and reduce the effectiveness of the sheets or make them nonconductive. By adhering to these guidelines, you can maintain the conductive properties of your GroundingWell™ Bedsheet and enjoy their health benefits for a longer period of time.