Essential Marketplaces
Here for you.
Explore what the neighborhood has to offer and more below.
Essential Marketplaces Revere Beach
Welcome to local discounts
Not only are you across from the beach, visit any of our neighborhood local businesses along and a few blocks from Revere Beach Blvd, just a short walking distance from our store’s location.
Work or live nearby? Stop in! We believe in community. Ask an associate in store or click the button below to contact us for details on how to get in on our local neighborhood discounts.
A few minutes walk
The beach is a few seconds across the street, but there is so much more! See what is less than a mile down the road, browse our gallery below of all the local businesses you can visit and enjoy while you stop by our first Essential Marketplaces in Revere Beach.
We offer free delivery to hospitals and government workers within a local radius! Click Book Now to start planning an activity for your next trip or browse our shop , our services offered, or details about us online.
Grow with us!
Want to see your product here, have an idea or just a product you love but is hard for you to get/have always wanted to try fresh?
Reach out to us and we’ll see what we can do in the neighborhood for you and your needs. The world is your oyster! Oh and we have those too- and more, so shop a little and see if anything is for you. If not we will recommend places nearby you can go!
Please subscribe for other recommendations, news and updates below the gallery- we have only just planted our roots!

Visit us
320 Revere Beach Blvd
Revere, MA 02151
(555) 555-555